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  • Denise Frakes

Why uncluttering is my go to mental health tool

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha

Yesterday, I did a reboot. When life feels wobbly, my go to mental health tool is to reboot my environment. Tidying up, removes the constant chatter of a muddled space. It gives me a fresh canvas on which to create, or rest. It literally opens up my ability to breathe. By rebooting I give myself a new, simpler, lighter, fresher perspective. Cleaning and uncluttering are space clearers- they create flow and grace. These old often unloved chores are my dependable grace savers.

Why should we clean our desk off every day? Because if we don't, when we don't- (which is more frequent than I'd like to admit), we blur our today. This present moment, is diminished by the baggage of yesterday and the distractions of tomorrow.

Clutter takes your energy. It blocks your natural flow. Clutter and dust bunnies robs you of the present moment. Clutter encourages your monkey mind to control your thoughts...and life.

All those piles, things left behind, oddities wandering around, small porcelain cows, cards, books, magazines, bills, boxes, clothes, bags, notes...all those notes!! Our homes become a virtual highway of chatter.

Overwhelmed by sensory input, we wonder why we can't focus and feel unsettled and unmotivated. There is no space (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) to create- our canvas is filled from yesterday and tomorrow.

Art-life is created in the present moment.

When you are really creating all your beautiful energy is flowing in this moment.

Clutter gobbles up your energy and focus by continually jabbering on about yesterday and tomorrow. Much of your time and energy are diminished. I don't know about you, but I could use less diminishing and more delight.

A fresh canvas, a clean slate, a freshly made bed, an empty kitchen sink, a clean kitchen table, a calm up our brain to be present and create life.

“If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly.” ― Tobe Hanson

Breathe! Give yourself a little breathing room. Start with one space, see how it feels. How do you feel with this clean slate? Notice how you feel when your desk is full and then when it's been rebooted into a fresh, clean inviting space What does your body physically do? What does your mind do?

Start small, give yourself the gift of feeling this shift without the overwhelm of trying to do everything. Our brains work best uncluttering bite by bite. Consistently, shifting your habits and energy field into one that feels like a fresh canvas to create from.

Enjoy, there isn't much that calms ragged nerves better than simply cleaning a kitchen table. Funny as it might sound, it's food for the soul,

Happy travels my friend,


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