Good Stewards
Less is more. Is it? Not always but in a world of overconsumption more is essential. Is the whole world overconsuming? Is it just a...
Good Stewards
Sea Lions - One flipper up
One thing leads to another...
Inspired Clutter Clearing
Poems that Wake You Up
Habits are Seeds
4 Habits of Joy and the Beginning
The habit poem
Beginning again...
With Kindred Spirits
Cleaning out the Bones- Unconventional Clutter Clearing
Why uncluttering is my go to mental health tool
5 Essentials of a Healing Home: The Ripple Effect
Wonder is Easy.. Or is it?
Things left behind...
Happy Cows
A Recipe for a Meaningful Life
Save your Brain Simplify your Cleaning
Got dust? Got Allergies? Asthma? Dust Bunnies?
Is Gruntled a word?